Thursday, April 28, 2011

Picture hanging with a paper clip

I dropped by my favorite thrift shop this week and although I didn't find a lot of things, I found these cute little blue and white plates. They have silver metallic edges which would be a "no, no"  if I were going to use them in the kitchen.  If they can't go in the microwave, they don't come home with me!

Fortunately, they were the perfect color to go in the guest room and were the right price... 50 cents!

Being anxious to get them up,  lazy, I didn't want to go pick up plate hangers. So, I decided to try something I had seen on the internet. I hung them with paper clips.

I simply twisted the clips into a circle (somewhat),  and glued them on with E-6000 glue. I let them dry overnight and hung them the next day.

So far so good! I'll let you know how they hold up. I might should provide my guests with football helmets!

I also found another soup tureen for $3.00. This is the first one I've found with the ladle. I just can't pass up tureens. Loved these ivory shams for $2.00.
Glad you dropped by and y'all come back!

I'm linking up with:
Under $100 linky party at Beyond the Picket fence
Thrifty things Friday at The Thrifty Groove
Frugal Friday at the Shabby Nest
Show and Tell at My Romantic Home

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday...

Outdoor Wednesday: Click on the picture below to learn more...

Old but not forgotten...
The south is known for it's mills, mainly textile, but this old mill produced cornmeal. Although she looks ragged and worn, plans are to restore her over the next five years.

She churned out sack fulls of cornmeal to the community, and
travelers from afar from
1831 until the 1960's

Most of the workings inside the mill are intact.

The heavy millstones (some 1,500 pounds each) and the foundation are 
believed to have been built about the time of
the American Revolution.

As always, when I look back in time I am always amazed at the strength and determination
the generations before us displayed.

I become unraveled if the microwave doesn't work or even worse, the internet.

I'm linking to Outdoor Wednesday
Glad you dropped by and y'all come back!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Picnic time is here...

Does anyone other than me remember this guy?

Remember how his favorite thing to do was steal picnic baskets?
 Well, I didn't steal a basket but I got a pretty good deal today at the thrift shop!

It was $14 which is more than I wanted to pay but it was like new condition. The flatware and cutting board were sealed in original packaging.

When I saw it I flashed back to my childhood cartoon days. Mr. Vintage S and the grands will get lots of use out of this.
I found a few other things that had to come home with me as well.

I am now the proud owner of a lifetime collection of faux grapes. These were ten clusters to a bag for $4.
I had just priced them at Hobby Lobby for $2.99 a cluster. I don't know what I'll use them for but couldn't pass them up. (It's a sickness I have.)
The sea urchin and little votive holder were both one dollar each. 

I know this is an odd collection of junk,  really unique stuff, but one just never knows what one will find when on a thrifting adventure. It's all about "the hunt."

Happy hunting, and y'all come back.
I'm linking to Thrifty Things Friday at Dianne's Thrifty Groove
Come join the fun!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday

Hope everyone has had a wonderful day. I just love spring time and being outside. My oldest Knock out Rose is just blooming its' little heart out.

These are my kind of roses. No pruning or fussing!

We couldn't resist a trip to the park in a nearby city with this wonderful weather. The flowers there were so pretty.

The grand babies were much more interested in getting to the playground equipment than posing for pictures.

They were little troopers. They did pose for a couple of shots to please Mema and Papa. After we got to the fun slides and swings, pictures were out of the question. A camera just can't compete with a good slide or castle.

Linking to Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer. Drop by for lots of fun posts.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Honey gets a spring outfit...

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. Ours started out with rain down pours, then winds to make you tie down the hatches and now it is a beautiful sun shiny day. In this part of the country if you don't like the weather just wait a little while because it is constantly changing.

Today I want to introduce you to Honey. She is porcelain and I made her about twenty five years ago. She also has a twin bother, Sonny.She has sported many different outfits over the years and today I decided to change her out and display her for the summer. She seems to like her new casual summer clothes.

This is a print of one of the Charleston houses.I don't know the name of the house but I would love to live there ... in my dreams.  It has just enough pink in it that I think it will work at the condo in one of the baths.

I'm linking up to Pink Saturday at How sweet the sound.
Have a great day and y'all come on back!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New window treatments...

Last week at the condo I got a few more things completed. Those of you that have been following my blog know that I have a little condo that I am attempting to decorate  frugally," on the cheap" in an old beach cottage style. I want it to be something the family can enjoy without worrying about messing anything up and one that has a feel of the beach years ago.  I have found and drug furniture from three different states to clean, repair and paint. The dining area was my first project and I posted it here.

I am now concentrating on the master bedroom and was so excited when I found these cottage style valances for three dollars at my favorite place, the Goodwill store.

I decided to hang white sheers on each side on a dark rod to anchor the room since everything else in the room is basically white.

I painted the walls a pale yellow. Hopefully, when I go back down I will able to complete it for the reveal.

I did hit one yard sale while I was there and you guessed it, I bought more whites.

The shelf was two dollars and I plan to make it a memory shelf. I spied the cute little boxes and was thinking gift boxes for a quarter. I was really surprised  when I picked them up, they rattled. Just what I needed white napkin rings! The taupe fabric was a dollar and will make a nice runner or pillow.
I'm glad you dropped by and y'all come back!

Parties I'm linking to:
Open House Party Thursday
Thrifty Things Friday
Show and Tell Friday
Under $100 Linky Party

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday

I'm publishing this post again. I don't know what happened to my other picture. I guess it is floating around somewhere in cyber space. This is the unedited version. The other one was better. It hid some of my photographer mistakes!
Thanks to those of you who visited and there was no picture. I really didn't throw it out with all of my cleaning but if this keeps up the computer may be the next thing to get tossed.

Today I'm joining Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday

I have been MIA for a few days. After getting back home from the condo I have been finishing up a bit of spring cleaning. It's times like this I say I am going to give up thrifting... so much junk,  wonderful stuff. I did manage to finish up the last closet in time to get some fresh air and a shot of the lovely irises while they are at their peak.
I have missed  visiting your blogs and am looking forward to catching up on all you have going on in blog land.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Hope everyone had a great week-end. After working hard at the condo all week we kicked back and took it easy. We stopped by the state park as they were having special activities to kick off April. They had lots of games and activities for the kiddo but this is the place I choose. Do you think I'm still wiped out from the classroom or what?  Naw!   If the grands had been with me I would have been right in the middle of everything.

After all of the rain that beautiful blue sky was so welcome!

I did a little thrifting. Those of you that read my blog regularly know that is my favorite thing to do...
well, next to eating. I found several goodies that I will share later but this is my most needed find.

I know it just looks like a book but it is going to get my life organized. It is a journal that I am going to use for all of my Sunday Reflections. Right now they are here, there and everywhere!
I'm glad you dropped by and y'all come back.

Linking to Blue Monday   and Outdoor Wednesday

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sunday Reflections

Today I wanted to share the words of Dr. Charles Stanley. I am often the queen of worry and these words gave me comfort. Hoping it gives you the comfort it gave me, Annette

God’s Amazing Promise


Luke 12:22-32
Anxiety is reaching epidemic proportions in our culture. As believers, however, we are commanded not to worry (v. 22). Instead, we’re to rely on a conditional promise from our heavenly Father: If we will seek His kingdom, all our needs will be provided (v. 31). This is the opposite of the world’s philosophy, which tells us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and do what we can to meet our own needs. What a relief to rely on the sovereign King of all creation instead of our meager strength.

Consider these qualities of our King:

He keeps His word. Every promise is backed by His divine nature. According to Titus 1:2, God cannot lie. He never makes a promise that He won’t keep.

He is all-knowing. Our heavenly Father is mindful of all our needs—the ones we bring to Him in prayer as well as those of which we are unaware.

He is all-powerful. The sovereign Ruler of the universe backs His promises with almighty power. “Nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

He cares. God’s provision for birds and flowers is proof of His even greater care for those who are made in His image. Not only is He able to meet our needs, but He also wants to provide for us.

Will you believe God, seek His kingdom, and rest in the peace that passes understanding? Or will you doubt Him and live with the anxiety of not being sure your needs will be met? The promise is given, the fulfillment is certain, and now the choice is yours.

Linking this post to Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger

Friday, April 01, 2011

Thrifty Finds for condo...

I don't know about you but I am ready for the week-end! We had a few days of rain this week so I used that time to do some more work in the condo and go thrifting. I had found a dresser at Goodwill back in the fall  so I finally got it finished. The plan was to use it in the guest room but Mr. Vintage got a bigger TV so I decided it would work as an entertainment center.

Like everything that comes into the condo,  it got cleaned and painted white!

The pull handles were original but two were broken so I replaced them with wooden knobs to match the knobs on the top drawers... well almost. I found some very close for half price at Hobby Lobby. It will also have to do double duty to house some linens in the bottom drawers. Space is a premium around here.
The decorative items are all thrift items . The little Easter tree is the one I showed in a post earlier undecorated. I found the little eggs at the Dollar Tree.

This lamp was free. It was in my attic back home and was an ugly brass. I sanded it lightly and spray painted it with Rustoleum white.

The picture frames and tissue holder were earlier Goodwill finds. I love the vintage look of the larger one.

Finally, I found this little cherub wooden box thrifting this week. I'm sure I'll find a place for it.

Linking to:
Thrifty Things Friday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cindy's Show and Tell