Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sunday Reflections

                                 Photo taken - Acadia National Park - Maine

I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land. ( Isaiah 58:14)

Do you remember a summer day when the heat and humidity were so oppressive, you could hardly breathe?  But a dark cloud appeared on the horizon, growing larger and larger, until it suddenly brought a rich blessing to your world.  The storm raged, lightning flashed  and thunder rumbled. The storm covered your sky, the atmosphere was cleansed, new life was in the air, and your world was changed.

      Human life works exactly on the same principle.  When the storms of life appear, the atmosphere is changed, purified, filled with new life, and part of heaven is brought down to earth.

     Facing obstacles should make us sing. The wind finds its voice not when rushing across an open sea but when it is hindered by the outstretched limbs of a pine tree or broken by the stings of a wind harp. Only then does the harp have songs of power and beauty.

Haven't we all known people whose lives have never produced any pleasing music during their days of calm prosperity but who, when fierce winds have blown across their lives have astonished us by the power and beauty of their music.
Streams In the Desert-


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Have a blessed day!