Yesterday I got some bad news about my mom's health. Today I had set myself up for a big ole' pity party. What would I do? Where were we headed? How much should I tell her? How was I going to fix this? The questions were pouring in at lightening speed.Although I had prayed about this situation for some time before these last tests,I continued to feel the responsibility of "fixing" everything.
Then Exodus 20:12 came to my mind. Honor your father and your mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.
This alone is my responsibility! I can't fix everything. HE has the plan. Nothing I do, can add or take away one single day from her appointed time or mine. I am to continue to pray for her and trust that he will keep his word that he has a plan for her and he does not make mistakes.
I also need to remember that he does not need any help of suggestions from my finite little brain. It is so good to know that the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow is still on the throne and still in charge.
My burden lifted, I went out to search for some beauty in the world He created. I snapped a picture of these beautiful Bartlett Pear trees.Although a cold winter is ahead of them they are proudly displaying a beautiful almost neon foliage.
Like the song says, "The God of the good times is still God in the bad times.God of the days is still God in the night."
My heart still hurts, but my pity party is over.
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Spiritual Sunday