Saturday, March 05, 2011

Sunday Reflections

Can anything separate us from the love Christ has for us? How long will his love endure? Will he really love us forever?

Reflecting on a difficult week I started to wonder... did I cross the line when I lost  my patience with doctors that seemed only concerned with their time and had not listened or even read the medical reports?
Did He withdraw the love he had for me, when I felt my fears begin to rise and my faith begin to quiver?
Did he write me off as hopeless when I acted like a jerk?

I knew the answer to these questions all along. I just needed to pause and remind myself, the answer and assurance was written before I even asked the questions.Why would he love me enough to send his son to die for me only to take back that love when I came up short? His word tells me that Nothing!!! will separate me from his love.

Thank you Jesus for loving me in spite off all my short comings.

I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Rom. 8:38-39

Join me at Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger


  1. Great post and a wonderful reminder that what is given is not taken away. Praying for you, that the problem will be taken care of with or without the drs.

  2. Thank you for this encouraging post. He loves us forever!

  3. I am so grateful....He never gets fed up with us...never leaves....He's always there...with His amazing love. Hope your day is the best.

  4. What a wonderful post. So very reassuring.

  5. I have been thinking a lot about God's deep love for us this past week. Love these verses in ROmans.

  6. This is an encouraging reminder of the depths of God's love. Thank you for sharing this.


  7. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog post. I appreciate your tender heart toward the Lord -- the questions you posed, and more importantly the ANSWER YOU GIVE. Indeed, He will never leave us or forsake us. He is a Daddy that loves like no other. I have been really blessed by reading Abba's Child, by Brennan Manning, which talks about the unfailing, unconditional gracious love of the Father. It has blessed my life beyond telling. I pray Jesus will meet you in all places of difficulty with fresh reminders of His delight in you, and His desire to bless you with all you ever need.

  8. Amen!!! How wonderful to know that no matter how many times we fall short, he will never stop loving us! His love is eternal. What blessed comfort is in these verses.

  9. Love those verses, Annette! Thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper.

  10. when I remind myself of this I alway get tears in my eyes,his grace and love what more can we ask for.
    God Bless,

  11. Beautiful, thank you ~ Blessings ~

  12. Oh, how you have encouraged me with these thoughts about the love of God. I needed the reminder today that nothing can seperate me from Him. In my humanness I fail, in His love I can rise again.


  13. THANK YOU for this great post. I need to be reminded that God's love is unconditional.

  14. I love this post! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Ally @

  15. We do know the answers sometimes, but need to be reassured. Have a great week!

  16. Wonderful reassuring post, Annette. We all need to remind ourselves of this love occasionally. Thank you for sharing.


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