Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thanksgiving Medley -Sunday Reflections
Wishing all of my friends in blog land a Happy Thanksgiving Week! Just pausing to remember that he is responsible for All our blessings and without Him we would have and be nothing.
May the Lord keep you safe in your travels near and far and those staying home and in all lands, Bless you all. Annette
Please join me at for Spiritual Sundays
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It's finally here...
Some of you may remember I posted here that I had taken my oxblood Dansko's to match something I was going to purchase... well I am so happy it has arrived. But first let me show you what it is replacing

After cleaning all of the cobwebs behind the sofa and chasing away dust bunnies,
I did get in a little thrifting. I found this cute cottage at Goodwill for $3 and this little
vintage stocking for $1
I'm using them at the condo as it is decorated primarily in white vintage.
Thanks for dropping by and y'all come on back.
this uuugly floral sofa and loveseat!
Let me share a few tips from the" learned the hard way ole' soul"
1.Never buy a sofa when you're bone tired from looking.
2. Never give your old sofa away until the new one is in route... and
3.Never say it's not what I want but I can make it work.
I just spent five years of my life hateing this furniture everyday!
The sleeper had never been slept on and it was good as new or should I say "ugly as new."
This thing was indistructible... I know, I tried!
Finally here it is... my red leather suit.
It looks brown in the photo but in real life it is a rich, oxblood red color.
The love seat is closer to the real color.
I found this fabric to make pillows and rod covers for the doors and windows
for seven dollars a yard.
After cleaning all of the cobwebs behind the sofa and chasing away dust bunnies,
I did get in a little thrifting. I found this cute cottage at Goodwill for $3 and this little
vintage stocking for $1
I'm using them at the condo as it is decorated primarily in white vintage.
Thanks for dropping by and y'all come on back.
Linking to the following parties, come join in the fun
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Junkin Finds
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Junkin Finds
leather sofa,
thrift finds
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday Reflections
Flickr -Leo Reynolds
Sing... to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything.
Ephesians 5:19-20
With Thanksgiving quickly approaching we think of giving thanks for our many blessings. It is good to be thankful at Thanksgiving but we should be thankful all of the time.
No matter what the source of the evil confronting you, if you are in God and completely surrounded by Him, realize that it has passed through Him before coming to you. Because of this, you can thank Him for everything that comes your way. This does not mean thanking Him for the sin that accompanies evil, but offering thanks for what he will bring out of it and through it. May God make our life one of continual thanksgiving and praise, so He will then make everything a blessing.
Exerpt from Streams in the Desert
I am linking to Spiritual Sundays Drop by for lots of uplifting posts.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Simple Pleasures
When I think of life's simple pleasures our fur baby is one of the first things that comes to mind.
He is a 18 month old shih-tzu, and his name is Skipper.
He radiates love, unconditional love. God's little creatures are gifts to us from God.
They not only provide us with companionship, joy and laughter
they are a constant reminder of God's unconditional love for us.
I just recently finished reading And Thereby Hangs a Tale a gift from a dear friend.
The author, David Teems, uses his dogs as powerful images of devotion to give you a glimpse of what a devoted life really looks like.
"A dog makes devotion look as if it is the best part of life."
It is filled with lots of sweet lessons for living a Christian life.
I am linking this post to
Simple Pleasures at A little of this and that blogspot
Go visit and check out all the other simple pleasures.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Some Vintage Goodies
Before heading to the coast I stopped in at a seasonal thrift shop in town and found what I have been searching for all year... the perfect little vintage coastal print! It was in a yucky gold paper over wood frame. I know, I am just too impulsive to take my before pictures but trust me it looked bad.
I painted the frame with white Rustoleum and it did the trick. I couldn't wait to get it to the condo.
I was so excited when I found this little toile plate at the Goodwill. It is New England Toile and it was priced at $2.50. I can't believe someone gave it away.
I love the little Victorian characters.
and finally...
one of my dumbest Goodwill purchases
I decided to stop at the Goodwill, on my way in to Myrtle Beach, Mr. Vintagesouthern was not happy but I promised I would only take a minute!
I spotted this little church up on the shelf as I hurried along. The roof color is what caught my eye. It is very unusual to find one with a robins egg blue roof.
Off course I grabbed it up and went on my way. I already had visions of it with my hutch here
Notice anything wrong?
You're right...
It's missing its' chimney!
I still did not notice it until I got it home and plugged it in. The light was shining out this hole in the roof, aargh!
Note to self, make appointment with optometrist in the morning.
I am open to any "construction" ideas for my little church. It is such a sad little thing.
Glad you dropped by and y'all come on back!
I painted the frame with white Rustoleum and it did the trick. I couldn't wait to get it to the condo.
It is such a sweet little print. It makes me smile every time I look at it.
I know Thanksgiving has not come yet but I am decorating the condo for Christmas. I will not be back down until after Thanksgiving and time will be so limited I decided to go ahead and start Christmas decorating now.
I'm sure it's going to blow my mind next week when I go home and start putting turkeys all over the house.
These are some of the goodies I found at the Goodwill and thrift stores over the summer.
This teddy bear was just sitting there waiting for me to take him home.
I found three Santas on different trips this summer and re-painted them all white.
I didn't repaint the facial features. Their original owners did a great job on them and painting eyes is not one of my strong points. The one on the right was painted red, green and purple!
He's much more neutral now.
He's much more neutral now.
I was so excited when I found this little toile plate at the Goodwill. It is New England Toile and it was priced at $2.50. I can't believe someone gave it away.
I love the little Victorian characters.
and finally...
one of my dumbest Goodwill purchases
I decided to stop at the Goodwill, on my way in to Myrtle Beach, Mr. Vintagesouthern was not happy but I promised I would only take a minute!
I spotted this little church up on the shelf as I hurried along. The roof color is what caught my eye. It is very unusual to find one with a robins egg blue roof.
Off course I grabbed it up and went on my way. I already had visions of it with my hutch here
Notice anything wrong?
You're right...
It's missing its' chimney!
I still did not notice it until I got it home and plugged it in. The light was shining out this hole in the roof, aargh!
Note to self, make appointment with optometrist in the morning.
I am open to any "construction" ideas for my little church. It is such a sad little thing.
Glad you dropped by and y'all come on back!
Linking this post to
Rednesday as Suelovescherries blogspot
VintageThingyThursday at Coloradolady blogspot
Junkin Finds at alacarte blogspot
Cindy's Show and Tell at Romantic home blogspot
Junkin Finds at alacarte blogspot
Cindy's Show and Tell at Romantic home blogspot
goodwill find,
toile plate,
vintage bear,
vintage finds
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Sunday Reflections
Country Church Sevierville, Tenn
Mary and her camera - Flickr
I saw this cute little country church and I found myself thinking of generations past, simpler times and how our lives are so very different today. We have all of the modern day conveniences and technology that past generations could not even imagine and yet our lives are more hurried, stressed and hectic than ever. We have so many things to distract us from our tasks and even from His plan for us.
How can we deal with these distractions?
Distractions happened all the time in Jesus ministry. The difference in the way he handled distractions and the way we do is that he just worked the distractions right into the main focus of his life! He didn't see them as distractions but opportunities.
Matthew 19:13-15
Some children were brought to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. The disciples told them not to bother him. But Jesus said "Let the children come unto me.Don't stop them!For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.
How can God use distractions?
Exodus 3:1-4
One day Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law,Jethro...Suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared to him as a blazing fire in a bus. Moses was amazed because the bush was engulfed in flames, but it didn't burn up..."Why isn't that bush burning up? I must go over to see this." When the Lord saw that he had got Moses attention, God called to him from the bush.
Moses was just out on an ordinary day doing his ordinary job.God used the bush, a definite distraction to get his attention.
Acts 9:3-4
As he was nearing Damascus on his mission, a brilliant light from heaven suddenly beamed down upon him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"
God can use distractions to refocus our sights on his ways, distracting us from our ways. Paul was on his mission to persecute Christians when God got his attention with a distraction that was even harder to ignore than Moses' burning bush and changed the course of his whole life ( and the lives of many others to this day)
A promise from God...
Hebrews 12:13
Mark out a straight path for your feet.Then those who follow you though they are weak and lame,will not stumble and fall but will become strong.
Lord, help me to stay on a straight path with my eyes always on you. Help me use the distractions that come my way for your good and ignore the ones that can not be used for your glory. Dear God, give me the wisdom to see and understand the difference.
Linking to Spiritual Sundays Please drop by and visit for many inspiring posts
Linking to Spiritual Sundays Please drop by and visit for many inspiring posts
sunday reflections
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
A little of this and a little of that...
The past few days have been so hectic I am just now getting to the things that happened in my life LAST week. I think I need a "do over". Do you ever feel that way?
Saturday we went to The Enchanted Forest in Greenville for some treats and lots of fun. I don't know who had more fun me or the grandbabies.
Saturday we went to The Enchanted Forest in Greenville for some treats and lots of fun. I don't know who had more fun me or the grandbabies.
Grandbaby #Two went as a cute little pink poodle.
Grandbaby # One went as Superman.
We said,"hold your baby sister." ... guess we should have been more specific.
It's not as dangerous as it looks. The camera just caught that second. He really is a good big brother and helps mom and dad take care of little "sisa!."
There were lots of story book characters in the Enchanted Forest.
Earlier in the week I felt like I was in an Enchanted Forest when I visited one of my favorite
antique malls...
I was so excited when I spotted this cute little pitcher.
It is a lamp.I had been looking for one for my kitchen. I wanted a silver teapot and may have to make my own lamp later but this one will do for now.... after all, you can never have too many lamps or pitchers, right???
Please ignore the electric cord. Cords are often a decorating challenge for me. Any ideas on how to hide them on a kitchen counter and island? I seriously could use some help with this.
moving on...
I also scored these little vintage Christmas ornaments.I plan to use them at the condo.
The faces are painted with such cute detailed expressions.
and finally
After about my 100th visit to a store I went home and got these to take back with me to the store.
No,Your computer has not bit the dust and you do not need your eyes checked.It is just what it looks like. My red (oxblood) Dansko and a red tie-back. I used them to match a color on a purchase I finally made today.
Any guesses???
I'm suppose to get it tomorrow.
Any guesses???
I'm suppose to get it tomorrow.
I'll be back with a picture when it arrives.
Glad you stopped by. Hope you have a great evening and y'all come on back!
I'm linking to these great parties. Go visit for lots of fun!
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