Friday, August 13, 2010

This and That!

This week has been a disorganized array of this and that and I don't feel like I accomplished this or that. I have one bath redo in the final stages and a second with one coat of paint. And don't even ask where my "stuff" is like make up, cologne and other essentials us women need to function!

As a distraction today I went shopping. That usually soothes my soul but today the yard sales were the pits. I'm not a believer in bad luck on the 13th but this morning I was beginning to wonder.

I drug my Sad Sack little self into the Cracker Barrel Restaurant and my luck changed. Sitting there on the 50% discount table were these cute little mugs.

They had been marked down from $20 to $10. Not a steal but they are the exact color for the condo and there was only one set. Each cup was different so....

I scooped them up. I was beginning to feel better already.

When I got home I started to unload the dishwasher and this is what I found. It looks innocent enough, right?

Mr. Vintage S. had put this in the dishwasher. It was just a cute little "thingy" I had bought new this week for him to put in his bath (one of the baths that is in remodel chaos now) to hold Q-tips. Guess he wanted a sterile q-tip holder.  If you look closely, it is not red all over, half of the paint,dye whatever had come off in the dishwasher all over my dishes.

 To hopefully avoid poisoning or us turning the color of the glassware I ran the dishes back through the sterilize cycle.

What did I say about not believing in Friday 13th ?

Just then the doorbell rang. It was the FedEx man. I was so excited! This is what he was bringing.

I can't wait to try it out.

Thank you to all of you blogging friends out there who have been so helpful in sharing info. about your cameras and helping me decide on one! I'm sure it will take me a while to learn to use it but it will be fun to play. 
What did I say about Friday 13th?  It's just another day :)
Have a great week-end and ya'll come back.

Parties I'm Joining
Garage Salening with Debbiedoos
Show and Tell with Cindy


  1. I do like those mugs! Such a pretty color. Very nice camera. Lucky you. Your day ended well :)

  2. WOW on the camera, can't wait to see some of your new photo's. Great find on the q-tip holder...and love cracker barrel gift shop. Have a great weekend! Debbie

  3. I love the sea life mugs! A new camera! How fun. I came over by way of Debbiedoos.

    ~ Tracy

  4. I didn't no it was Friday the 13th, I never thought of it!!! YIKKEES! I am so glad it is now past midnight. Good job Mr. Vintage S. Oh a new camera! Fun, but a whole new learning curve!


  5. Life does have it's ups and downs doesn't it! The new mugs are cute. Don't be too hard on your husband. I have also had experience with red glass and the paint coming off. Im ny case it was reproduction glass knobs for my bathroom cabinets. They are red and I have noticed that when the bathroom gets really steamy, some of the paint will flake off in your hand.
    Good luck with the camera. I can barely handle a point & shoot myself.

  6. Annette, what a day you had! But for me the camera would have erased it all! The pale aqua cups are so sweet. Thanks for visiting me: ) hugs♥olive

  7. aaaaaahhhh thats the camera I want!!! I just blogged about wanting it!! haha how cool!

    Yeah I will have to save and beg and save before my hubz lets me buy it! I can't wait to see the pictures you take with it!

  8. Ha-ha-ha, that's cute, Annette. Isn't it so nice when the Lord puts something there for us and we just know it's from Him? Your aqua mugs are beautiful. I guess your hubby was trying to be ultra hygenic with his future q-tip holder, lol. Oh, a new hi-tech toy!! What an awesome-looking camera. Have fun learning how to utilize all that baby has to offer.

  9. You are going to LOVE having that camera! And I would have never thought that red dye would have come off like that in the dishwasher! Freaky friday indeed!

  10. Hmm..I have been wondering if a new camera would help and what kind to get. I'm really starting to get into taking photos. I had a great Friday, so glad I didn't even realize it was the 13th. Sorry to hear about the red glass. I would have run the dishes through again too for sure.

  11. WOW, I'm so happy for you, please share what you like about the camera, I'm doing my own gift this year and it's a camera.

  12. Annette, I feel your pain as far as the remodeling chaos. My entire house looks like a cyclone hit because of my bedroom makeover. It is going to take me forever to get it back to normal. Ugh!

    I love those mugs! You know how I love anything to do with the beach...and oooh I like your camera, too. Have fun! La

  13. Annette,the Lord is in the smallest details of are life,I saw your mugs & I found you! My kids got me those same mugs because this is my color for my new cottage walls.Also,it is so good to know you are out there doing & loving the same things!!!JESUS LOVE Cathy!!!


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